It was a beautiful fantasy. Tucker in tears. Hannity smirkless. Ingraham gagging on her mea culpa , which we all wanted to hear set to music. The mere thought of Rupert Murdoch withering under oath had us all aswoon. No question, the trial would have been a hoot. But hey, Fox settled. They took the hit. So now that we're past our reflexive indignation, let's take a moment to savor just how big a hit they took, and to understand that the hits will keep on coming for quite some time. There is little upside here for Fox. Yes, they live to fight another day — which was always going to happen, no matter what. Yes, they save themselves the humiliation of seeing Murdoch and Bartiromo grilled on a spit in open court — which would have been fun, but not especially helpful. And yes, there's this icky feeling that the settlement money is being shrugged off as petty cash — which it most certainly is not. But any way you look at it, Fox has a lot of bad road ahead. They're b...
Life and Politics in the Age of Covid